How to Use this Page. #
These are not guidebooks about which path to follow or what hills to climb, these are books that cover the management and development of outdoor access.
Publications are grouped by subject area and then by decade.
Each entry follows the same layout and is organised thus:
Author, (Year of publication), Title, Publisher, followed by a paragraph about the book. This may be the advertising paragraph from the book cover or a short review.
Where possible a weblink is included, but some of the publications are not available online so you will need to use your favourite bookseller to get a copy. Some are no longer in print so you may need to go to a real bricks and mortar library to find a copy.
Paths for All (2016) The Path Manager’s Guide to Grading. Standard Waymarked Path Grading System of Scotland. Paths for All. ISBN: NONE #
This Guide has been produced by a group of organisations committed to improving the quality of life of
If you’re a path manager thinking about how to grade your paths consistently and in a way that’s helpful to users, then this guide is for you.
The more path managers across Scotland adopt a common approach to grading, the more path users will become familiar with the system and comfortable about making the right path choices for them. Weblink.