Born 6 November 1928, He was a lifelong passionate mountaineer in Scotland and abroad, notably in Greenland; President of the SMC, one of the founders of the MCofS (now Mountaineering Scotland) in 1970, member of the Countryside Commission for Scotland. Dynamic and assiduous Chair of ScotWays at a key period in the Society’s development of a professional office, heavily involved in the development of a general right of access, worked on the Access Concordat. There is a memorial bridge over the Quoich on the National Trust for Scotland Mar Lodge Estate to Donald.
Donald is shown second from the right in this picture that celebrates the installation of the 1,000th ScotWays signpost. Also shown from left to right, are Alistair MacLeod (Chair of Kingcraig & Vicinity Community Council), Anne Bennet, Donald, Bill MacKenzie (Kingcraig & Vicinity Community Council). The photo was taken by Gordon Lennox Photography in Newtonmore