

Meet our volunteer board of Directors. They are ultimately responsible for governing ScotWays and directing how it is managed and run. Our directors have a range of skills and come from different walks of life, but all believe in the ScotWays ethos and want to contribute to upholding outdoor access in Scotland.

Office Bearers

Hon. President: Vacant
Hon. Vice-President: Bob Aitken
Hon. Vice-President: George Menzies

Chair: Katharine Taylor


Hon. Advisors

John Mackay
George Menzies


Other Directors

  • Alistair Anderson (Fife)
  • Jonathan Binny (Lochaber)
  • Fiona Dick (Edinburgh)
  • David Dixon (East Lothian)
  • Helene Mauchlen (Perthshire)
  • Tim Simons (Edinburgh)
  • Rachel Taylor (Dumbarton)
  • Martin Yeoman (Sutherland)