Any land where access rights apply you can ride or drive your horse, subject to you riding responsibly by following the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. Remember, the general right of access applies to all non-motorised activities so carriage driving has the same rights of access?
Can I ride my horse on a core path? #
Yes. All core paths are covered by access rights so as long as you ride responsibly and follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code you are good to go.
Can I ride my horse on a right of way? #
If the right of way is either a core path or crosses land where access rights are in operation then you can ride your horse on it as long as you do so responsibly.
If the right of way is not a core path or does not pass through land where access rights apply then you can only ride your horse along it if it’s a right of way for horses, often called a bridleway or bridle path, or if there are rights for vehicles. If you want to drive a carriage along a right of way then the route must be a right of way for vehicles.
Where can I find out more about horse riding in Scotland? #
Visit the British Horse Society website and have a look at their Scottish Access Resources and Riding Routes section.