In May 1885 the ScotWays Board approved the installation of the first ScotWays signposts in Roslin Glen near Edinburgh. They were quickly followed by others in the Pentland Hills south of Edinburgh and the Mounth and Cairngorm Passes. These signs, possibly the first rights of way signs in the UK, were the start of one of the main activities for which ScotWays is known and our fingerposts of white letters on a green background have been marking the start of mini adventures across Scotland ever since.
Rights of way are classed as roads which means our signposts need to follow the same design standards as road signs. Distances are shown in miles, occasionally miles and kilometres, with bilingual signs in English and Gaelic the further north you go.
Our signs don’t just give directions. Some remind people that a route is a right of way whilst others tell the history and heritage of a path.
Today there are over 4,000 of our signs scattered throughout Scotland. We’re always interested to hear about the condition of our signposts so if you see one why not carry out a quick survey of it and send us the results?
Signpost Surveying
Anyone can undertake a signpost survey: watch the video to find out how easy it is.
- Survey Sheet – use this to record the details of each signpost, and send completed forms back to along with your photos.·
- Safer Surveying. Please read our guidance about surveying safely.