A group of over 30 people including Councillors, Baillies, the Lord Provost, Advocates and more met within the Council Chambers, Edinburgh.
The purpose of the meeting was to consider the expedience of calling a public meeting for the formation of an association to protect the public’s right of access. All present agreed to this. The reason the meeting felt it necessary for an association was that some local landowners were encroaching on (reducing in width or blocking) public roads and other people would be doing the same unless something was done.
The committee established to organise the public meeting was the Lord Provost (Adam Black), Baillie Gray, Baron Baillie Hill, Baillie Duncan, Baillie X (not named), Professor More, Mr Hunter, Mr Logan, Mr Douglas, Mr Malerlin, Mr Christie, Dean of Guild, Mr Morton, Treasurer Gibson, Mr Thomson, Mr Grieve, Mr Robertson, Mr Stoddart. The Lord Provost would act as the convenor and Baillie Duncan as Secretary.