With a Digital Boost Grant from the Scottish Government, we have been busy updating our website and the third version of our website is ready for you to explore.

We’ve taken the opportunity to completely redesign how the site holds information and how it all links together. The emphasis is very much on providing outdoor access information and how people can support us to provide that information. Virtually everything from our old website has been moved to our new website, but much has been reformatted for a better fit with our new style.

A big new addition is Ken, who replaces the Frequently Asked Questions of the old site. Ken is the ScotWays’ ‘Knowledge Base’ and is where you can find information on a vast range of outdoor access topics from Scottish Hill Tracks to Heritage Paths and responsible access to court cases. It’s an ever-increasing treasure trove, searchable and categorised in such a way that internet search engines will easily be able to present ScotWays information to the people using those search engines.

Why not start your exploration over on our home page?