Are you coming to our AGM?
As the nights draw in, it's time for the ScotWays AGM and this year we're going back to Glasgow. Saturday 18 November 2022 from 13:45The Merchants’ House of Glasgow, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA The AGM will be in a hybrid format allowing you to attend in...
Heritage Path for October 2023: Glen Tilt
Heritage Path of the month Glen Tilt is our Heritage Path of the month for October 2023, click here to view the details More about Glen Tilt For those who walk in from Braemar to the Linn of Dee, the public road could be taken, but our surveyor recommends that instead...
Repairs to the Bedford Memorial Bridge are Complete
A wooden walkway forms the eastern approach to the Bedford Memorial Bridge. In 2020, we received reports that the stonework supporting the walkway was being eroded. There was a risk that a future flood could sweep the walkway away, leaving the path impassable....
Five years of Radical Road closure marked with call for urgent action
Campaigners today, 11 September, marked the fifth anniversary of Edinburgh’s Radical Road closure with an urgent call for Historic Environment Scotland (HES) to “see sense”. HES shut the iconic 200-year-old path on 11 September 2018 due to concerns about rockfall. It...
Heritage Path for September 2023: General Wade’s Military Road, Moy to Inverness
Heritage Path of the month General Wade's Military Road, Moy to Inverness is our Heritage Path of the month for September 2023, click here to view the details More about General Wade's Military Road, Moy to Inverness As this is quite a long stretch of Old Military...
Levenmouth Level Crossing Closures
Earlier this week, Network Rail announced that, as part of the Levenmouth Rail Link project, a number of crossing points will be permanently closed from 31st August. The affected routes include the historic Doubledykes right of way, said to have been used by Mary...
Heritage Path for August 2023: Banton Loch Path
Heritage Path of the month Banton Loch Path is our Heritage Path of the month for August 2023, click here to view the details More about Banton Loch Path Newsflash! The Heritage Paths (Campsie Fells) Project is very pleased to announce that we have a lovely Campsies...
Keeping a Watchful Eye at Taymouth Castle
Taymouth Castle Estate lies at the eastern end of Loch Tay, near the village of Kenmore. It is the subject of planning permissions for a large-scale development, currently under construction, which is a source of real concern for the local community in terms of its...
Could it be you?
Could you be our new data wrangler? We are looking for someone to help us consolidate and improve our extensive data archives. Are you adaptable with an eye for detail, to help us ensure our data is accurately recorded and readily retrievable? If so, this could be for...
Network Rail intransigence continues
When Network Rail closed the Ben Alder Level Crossing at Dalwhinnie in 2021, it claimed this was due to safety concerns. The public continued to use the crossing, simply climbing the locked gates so in March this year Network Rail spent £30,000 installing 1.8m high...
Heritage Path for June 2023: Strath Tirry to Badanloch Tracks
Heritage Path of the month Strath Tirry to Badanloch Tracks is our Heritage Path of the month for June 2023, click here to view the details More about Strath Tirry to Badanloch Tracks Start from the A836, 8km north of Lairg near Dalmichy where there is a bridge over...
Heritage Path for May 2023: Coronation Road (Scone to Abernethy)
Heritage Path of the month Coronation Road (Scone to Abernethy) is our very appropriate Heritage Path of the month for May 2023, click here to view the details More about Coronation Road (Scone to Abernethy) Travelling the Coronation Road today is difficult,...