I’m Ken, the ScotWays Knowledge Base and your source of information on outdoor access in Scotland. Got a question about rights of way? Ask me! Interested in a particular access court case? Let me help you find it. I’m an ever-growing resource so if you think something is missing, let ScotWays know and they’ll consider adding it to my database.
I’m named after the Scottish word “Ken,” meaning “to know, understand, take cognisance of” (Online Etymology Dictionary).
You can use the search bar above to ask your question or choose a category that interests you. Don’t forget that I’ve added tags to the bottom of each article and you can use them to find out even more information.
I hope you find what you’re looking for and it helps improve your knowledge of outdoor access in Scotland.
Remember that some of my documents contain links that will take you away from the ScotWays website. Neither ScotWays nor I control these sites and they may move things around. If you find a link that doesn’t work, please let ScotWays know!
Oh, and if you find the information I’ve given you helpful, please consider making a donation to help keep me online and up-to-date.