Support our work upholding public access in Scotland

Support our work upholding public access in Scotland

Support our work upholding public access in Scotland

We Are ScotWays

Founded in 1845, ScotWays (The Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society) is the independent charity which upholds and promotes public access rights in Scotland. We are widely recognised as experts in the law and practice of access and advise on access problems, provide information and training, and maintain a vast database about routes in Scotland. You can see our recognisable green and white signs on routes across Scotland.

We are home to the Heritage Paths Project, a unique archive of Scotland’s old paths and roads. We record hundreds of old routes, from Roman Roads to Pilgrim Paths. Why not have a look?

Explore our website and find out more about public access to the outdoors in Scotland, how it developed, the Society’s history and what you can do to support us. Of course, the best thing you can do is join us!


Network Rail and level crossings

Network Rail and level crossings

Our attention was recently drawn to an article in the Spring 2024 issue of Land Business, the Scottish Land & Estates magazine. The article, placed by Network Rail, was entitled “A 200-year-old...

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